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3 1 H = ? ? (b?b?? + \frac{1}{2}) i=1 be the Hamiltonian of the quantum SHO, where the b?, b? are boson creation (resp annihilation) operators satisfying the commutation relations [b?, b??] = ???, [b?, b?] = [b??, b??] = 0. Show that: (i) The operators b?? = b??b? satisfy the gl(3, C) commutation relations [b??, b??] = ???b?? - ???b??. (ii) The operators L? = -i????b??b? (summation over repeated indices) satisfy the angular momentum commutation relations [L?, L?] = i????L? with ???? the alternating tensor. (iii) The operators L? = L? ± iL?, L? = L? satisfy the o(3, C) commutation relations of Q1.Show more…
Added by Jose B.
Step 1
(ii) The operators Lj=-iejkub Show more…
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